Wrinkles Be Gone
Let’s face it… ladies! All women have to think about and put up with wrinkles from age 30-93. If you made it to 93 then who cares? In my posts on beauty and wrinkles, I will explore and describe what I have done over the past many years. It has been a fun journey to see how all of the products and minerals have worked.
The principles of living greatly include the capac…
The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage,
disappointment with cheerfulness,
and trial with humility.
Beauties of Ethiopia
Mystery of China
Flash back about 7 years ago. There we were in a place of mystery and mindfulness. The feeling was of connection to those with differing ideas and culture.
More Seacret Inspiration
I like the way I feel when I wear makeup. I feel lighter, laugh easier. I’m more likely to engage with those I come in contact with. Smile at my neighbors, chat it up with friends. I feel like the best version of me! And I don’t have to spend much time doing it! So I can get out there, and share who I am with the world!
I invite you to join me.
Together, we can “simplify” the “beautiful” in our lives!
Tasmanian Babies
One of the most amazing things is, a baby kangaroo or wallaby jumping headfirst into his mother’s pouch.
I always saw photos of kangaroos with the baby sitting in the pouch, looking quietly at the world.
Well, it is funny to see a baby that is 3/4 the size of the mother, jump headfirst into the pouch, leaving his legs hanging out.
As our lives unfold, we develop two types of Beauty.
Of course we all know of the Outward Beauty we are blessed with…
either through the Master’s hand at birth and/or make up.
We can develop within ourselves an Inward Beauty that is “more than skin deep”.
It shines all around us. I believe that it is through our eyes.
In this Blog I am going to describe everything that I have learned in my many years of living…
to create a glow of both Outward and Inward Beauty.
I will be describing products to help the skin.
Techniques I have used to look younger.
Keeping weight down.
Ideas of Spirituality.
Energy Work.
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A Seacret Is Here
Wrinkles show wisdom, concern and a life lived. But my take on wrinkles is one of smooth them out and only have those from smiles.