Look Everyone… a Seacret


So now I am 63 instead of 60!  Haha  Where does the time go?Hi! I’m back from a 3 year retreat…all that time trying another technique of acids.   Yuck!
Acid in my facewash,  acid in my face cream, acid…acid.
What did that do?  Wreck my skin and make it dry and peeling.

Before                          After

But recently…I actually found a secret that is “Seacret Minerals from the Dead Sea”.

They are spectacular! I was skeptical at first and didn’t know if I should mention it to anyone.

Then, the other day, after using the face products for 2 weeks, I had a compliment.
I was with my granddaughter and we talked to some ladies and they said I looked like a young girl.  I mentioned that it was probably because I had my hair in a ponytail.
They said, ” No it was something different”.  They said, “You can’t possible be this 14 year old girl’s mother.” And when I told them I was her Grandmother…they couldn’t believe it!  Haha

So now I can’t stop myself from sharing it with everyone!  Because all of you might as well feel and look as young as you can.

Why…because being young  is FUN!

I think I might have a Ladies Facial Night!
Or better yet I could even help you by selling it to you, too.

How FUN would that be…fun to be YOUNG
Good morning.It’s a fine day to plant my garde…

Good morning.It’s a fine day to plant my garde…

Good morning.                 “Ask and ye shall receive”

It’s a fine day to plant my garden.

So I have a dilemma I have some beautiful lime and orange plants and they are blossoming. Since the wind is blowing very hard I decided to cover up my lime bush because the blossoms are falling off and I don’t want them to disappear. The blossoms turn into little bulbs of fruit and then those grow into the fruit and each year in the spring when the blossoms come on then it decides to become windy and and it’s so windy that it blows all the blossoms off.  So I covered it up with a lightweight sun protection Fabric and we will see if it saves the blossoms this year.

I also planted some items in my garden. I planted three types of tomatoes a dark purple type and cherry tomatoes and another early early blossoming type.   We have a lot of strawberries growing from last year and oregano came up really well. Of course,  all the mint is going crazy.   Mint grows like a weed.   We have some little flowers that have come up and I planted some marigolds and I planted some peppers.  They are all different varieties.  Like a whole rainbow variety of colored peppers.  I planted some kale so let’s try that. Last year I planted spinach and lettuce and some type of Little Critter ate it all . It ate all of the pepper leaves and pepper plant,  so this year we’ll see who’s lurking about my garden.


Time to Garden

Spring is a magical time when everything comes alive.

It comes from a seed!
That is what magic is all about.  A little seed is put in the ground and it germinates into life.   I learned recently that the ideas and events in life are like a seed.  You put a thought into the ground into your germination …your little seed of thought and it grows and grows and grows.

 I think that is how Faith works.  The example of Faith as a mustard seed is exactly what it is.  We put it there so that our Loving Heavenly Father can use that thought,  to give you what you would like… and help you attain even more than what you could ever imagine.

That’s why I love spring because it is the beginning of a new chance.   A knew chance of life to Blossom!    That is what each idea in each day should be in our lives!   Stop and cut out the old and let the new thoughts and ideas Blossom.   With new thoughts and new ideas  – Jesus said,  “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find.”   You will receive,  if you honestly believe that there is a source, a Father in Heaven,  who will bless you with all of those things that you stand in need of and would desire.                    ASK FOR ALL GOOD THINGS.  

Open Your Doors Cuba

“Cuba is such a beautiful country, and everywhere you go, there’s music and people dancing – especially in Havana.”

Cars, Cars, Cars.  The  most valuable asset in Cuba is the car passed down from grandfather to son to son to son.  Parts from every other car imaginable.  but they run and they are spectacular and bright.

Cuban Wall Paintings

Wall Paintings in Cuba reflect the religion brought from Africa with the slaves.  –  Very interesting to see –                                           Religions, Walls, Beliefs, all different around the world.

Santeria (Way of the Saints) is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on Yoruba beliefs and traditions, with someRoman Catholic elements added. The religion is also known as La Regla Lucumi and the Rule of Osha. Santeria is a syncretic religion that grew out of the slave trade in Cuba.