We’ve Lost Something in Our Skin

We’ve Lost Something in Our Skin

It would be nice if our skin just was perfect, no matter what we without and within.

So I have to confess that I have been taking silica orally for over 10 years.  It is actually Silica Plus and it had added vitamins and the mineral silica.
It is a squeeze bottle that you just drop a few drops in water, several times a day. I have to confess something else and that is, I only use it once or maybe twice a day.

It’s like this, Silica is one of those essential minerals that our bodies need, but can’t produce on our own.  And like many other key minerals, it’s one of those that is stripped from many of the foods we eat.  The result is many of us need more silica in our diets! be.  Others report finger nails that are thin

Silica Plus is formulated to be rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the body.
Silica Plus: Promotes cardiovascular health; Helps strengthen bones, cartilage, and connective tissues; Helps keep your skin, hair, and nails looking great; and will help prevent problems with arthritis and osteoporosis down the road.

Oh! One more thing about silica… IT IS SPECTACULAR FOR NAILS AND HAIR!
I’ll talk about it more on my hair blog and nail blog.
Just to let  you know…since I started taking this mineral, I have long hair and hard nails.