Look Everyone… a Seacret


So now I am 63 instead of 60!  Haha  Where does the time go?Hi! I’m back from a 3 year retreat…all that time trying another technique of acids.   Yuck!
Acid in my facewash,  acid in my face cream, acid…acid.
What did that do?  Wreck my skin and make it dry and peeling.

Before                          After

But recently…I actually found a secret that is “Seacret Minerals from the Dead Sea”.

They are spectacular! I was skeptical at first and didn’t know if I should mention it to anyone.

Then, the other day, after using the face products for 2 weeks, I had a compliment.
I was with my granddaughter and we talked to some ladies and they said I looked like a young girl.  I mentioned that it was probably because I had my hair in a ponytail.
They said, ” No it was something different”.  They said, “You can’t possible be this 14 year old girl’s mother.” And when I told them I was her Grandmother…they couldn’t believe it!  Haha

So now I can’t stop myself from sharing it with everyone!  Because all of you might as well feel and look as young as you can.

Why…because being young  is FUN!

I think I might have a Ladies Facial Night!
Or better yet I could even help you by selling it to you, too.

How FUN would that be…fun to be YOUNG